5 Benefits of Supported Independent Living

The desire to move out is one of the first indications of wanting to live independently. Although we seek companionship and social interaction, living independently calls out to us. It gives us the freedom to take control and shape our paths. It is this element that makes it so appealing to NDIS participants as well.

However, living independently as a person with a disability can be a little challenging. While it’s doable, individuals may require help with various tasks. This is where SIL can prove its effectiveness. It makes the lifelong dream of living by yourself and taking charge much more attainable. With the right help, participants too can experience a new level of self-sufficiency.

5 Benefits of Supported Independent Living

Advantages of Supported Independent Living

SIL NDIS allows you to discover new avenues for growth. It allows you to experience new things and take control of your life. You will also have the freedom to pursue your interests and actively engage within the community. And that’s not all! Here are some more key benefits of supported independent living.

  • Embracing Independence

    Transitioning to your own living space allows you to shape your lifestyle according to your preferences. If you require any assistance, a qualified team provides support with:

    • Personal care, like bathing and dressing
    • Essential daily tasks like cooking or cleaning
    • Managing finances and household responsibilities
    • Improving social and communication skills
    • Overnight or 24/7 support
  • Fostering New Connections

    Another positive aspect of SIL is the chance to meet fresh faces and cultivate new relationships. Shared living spaces present an excellent opportunity to form connections. These can become secondary support networks you can rely on in future. You’ll receive support to engage within the broader community. This will help you maintain relationships and establish meaningful bonds.

  • Expanding Horizons

    Opportunities are hard to come by when you’re dealing with a disability. That’s why SIL service assists in contemplating your priorities and exploring new possibilities. Moving into your personal space opens up a realm of choices and prospects. Perhaps, you may prefer relocating nearer to your workplace, day programs, or preferred activities. Alternatively, you can opt to reside in an environment where you can pursue your dreams. At the end of the day, the possibilities are endless and you have the freedom to choose.

  • Freedom and Safety

    You have the house to yourself if you’re staying alone. However, in shared living, you’ll have to share communal areas with other participants. Maintaining this delicate balance between freedom and privacy can be quite arduous. Safety is another concern but you do not need to worry. A support staff will always be present to provide independent living support in any situation. They will respond to emergencies quickly and ensure your safety at all times. This way, you can enjoy your freedom without losing sleep.

  • Accessible Assistance

    Moving into a new home can be exhilarating and it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about being away from family, guardians, or primary support. Stepping into a new living situation will require you to adapt. As such, you may require time to gain confidence in your newfound skills. Your assigned support worker will focus on helping with chores and will listen to your concerns to understand your aspirations better.

Defined Community Care provides supported living services to NDIS participants across South East Melbourne. If living independently is one of your goals, our SIL support can help you get there. Whether you move in by yourself or share living spaces with other participants, you’ll receive the proper support needed. Also, depending on your disability, the support level scales accordingly.

We believe that the right support can make a world of difference to NDIS clients. We aim to provide comprehensive support that allows our clients in South East Melbourne to make the most of SIL. With a team of qualified support workers, we can achieve that with minimal disruption to our client’s routines.

You can call us on 0431 107 301 or email us at info@definedcommunitycare.com.au for more information.

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